Learn how Creating one 10k Mini Course for your business.

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Everyone has a Mini Course in them, It's time to bring yours to life!

In this class you will learn .....

How to Pick a Profitable Mini Course Topic

What you need to Build a Mini Course Funnel

How to take your mini course and build

You want to Build an Online Course Business, but...

You think you must have to have an audience, a huge budget, go viral or speak on a stage to make it happen. Not true!

One Mini Course Can create Passive income

One Mini Course can bring in hundreds of followers a month

One Mini Course can grow your email list

One Mini Course can create a strong foundation of your business.

When I decided to start an online business I wasn't sure how to grow it.

I figured that it was Luck and Going Viral that made the famous online business owners successful. What I realized was its not luck or chance that makes a business thrive, it's sales. But how can you sell when you don't have an audience??

It can be easier than you think!! I created one mini Course for $27 and ran ads to it. This did several things, it created a stream of income, it gave me an audience and students who wanted more.

Online course creation can be easy if you have the steps in front of you.